Category Archives: MRKT 3211 Portfolio Sample

Managing the Communication Process: Course Overview

Kwantlen Polytechnic University’s 3211 Marketing course, “Managing the Communication Process”, has been a great help in furthering my knowledge of the role that communication plays in process of marketing. An essential part of being a great marketer lies within ones understanding of the entire communicative process and the importance this has on properly conveying a message to a desired market.

Throughout this course, I engaged in the analysis of existing, as well as the development of new, marketing campaigns. In doing so, I gained experience in evaluating the content, layout, and overall communicative plan of various campaigns. In turn, I was able to speculate on what led to these various campaigns successes or failures, and what could have been done differently to further improve the result. It was an interesting and innovative course that aided in my discovery of what constitutes as successful paid, earned and owned media, and how these forms of media were utilized by companies.

Project Example

The following project was developed as part of a “News Watch” assignment, in which students were required to evaluate a current marketing campaign, highlighting the weak and strong points of the advertising efforts. As part of this assignment, I looked at the following subjects:

  • Forms of Media (Paid, Earned, Owned)
  • Colour Theory
  • Composition, Layout & Design
  • Consumer Behaviour

I chose to analyze was the “My After” campaign launched by “Got Chocolate Milk?”, in which I prepared my visual aid using Prezi. The actual report can be viewed here:

My After Campaign- News Watch Assignment

However, feel free to view my visual accompaniment as well, (click here to view).

I would encourage all marketers to familiarize themselves with the communicative process found throughout all marketing efforts, as it is a fundamental component in ensuring a message is properly relayed to the desired audience. Developing a well-rounded understanding of what constitutes as, and how to manage, the communication process could very well be the difference between a marketer’s success and failure in the marketing world.

In the future, I will definitely utilize the knowledge that I’ve gained during this course in both my professional and personal life. From an everyday perspective, I will be able to better recognize the tactics and marketing themes used in everyday advertisements. In doing so, I can evaluate my own reaction to the campaigns to evaluate its influence on my behaviour. Professionally, as a marketer, I can utilize what I’ve learned to encourage the desired behaviour of others, creating greater leverage for my resources.